[do action=”add-youtube-video” id=”AoGoj4DpCtU” name=”Basketball Shooting Drill – Ray Allen Drill” duration=”T2M31S” description=”Warm-up drill to increase endurance when shooting.” height=”337.5″ width=”600″/]
The Ray Allen Drill gives you many repetitions in a row. You need a partner for this one, but it will get your heart moving.
It’s almost like around-the-world, except you shoot 5 shots from each spot.
The Ray Allen shooting drills is a great drill that you can use for a shooting warm up or end the workout in a fun, competitive manner. It can easily be adapted for beginners and pros.
There are 5 lines. From each line, there are 5 spots. This is approximately the distance on each shot:
Spot 1 – 4 Feet
Spot 2 – 8 Feet
Spot 3 – 12 Feet
Spot 4 – 16 Feet
Spot 5 – 20 Feet
See full story on youtube.com